EUSE Strategic Plan

2016 – 2019

Mission Statement: Promoting and developing Supported Employment through Leadership and collaboration across Europe


Formalise Partnerships at National, European and World level to enable the development of EUSE. Partnerships should be with organisations of like values and ethics:

  • National Partnerships to include key stakeholder groups of clients, professionals, Employer Champions, Trade Unions and funders
  • European Partnerships which will enable:
  • EUSE deliver its Policy message
  • Increase the Visibility of EUSE at European Parliament level
  • Contribute Financially to EUSE
  • World Partnerships to:
  • Enhance Supported Employment globally
  • Networking of best practice
  • Assisting developing countries

Policy & Research

Develop and use Policy Document in relation to Supported Employment to change the conversation:

  • Encourage national and European employment plans to transition to meet UN Convention article 27.
  • Ensure Position papers of EUSE include evidenced business case and are focused and client driven to encourage the participation of disabled and disadvantaged persons in the labour market


Develop central IT platform to hold key European studies which will inform:

  • Future programmes of work for EUSE
  • Prevention of duplication across European projects
  • Research institutes of “next step” research challenges




Ensure membership of EUSE is developed and assisted through

  • Reaching out to all European States ad not just European Commission states,
  • Developed and recognised marketing materials:
  • PDF Information
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Development of participative actions/forums to allow sharing of best practice:
  • Skype/Webinair Tutorials
  • Event Co-ordination e.g. Job Shadow Week
  • Provision of knowledge base to new and emerging states:
  • Buddy system
  • Provision of Speakers
  • Best practice documentation


Develop a sustainable funding programme for EUSE to enable continued existence:

  • Review Membership contributions
  • Ensure EUSE participation in programmes of work is correctly financed
  • Develop philanthropy approaches for specific work programmes
  • Ensure good governance applied to financial standing
  • Investigate core funding opportunities from European and Worldwide organisations and employer sponsorship
  • Ensure Transparency and formalise financial procedures of EUSE.



Kongostraat 7 
9000 GHENT